The Code of Conduct serves as a basis for responsible and ethical behaviour expected of employees in the performance of their duties and tasks, by encouraging honesty, social responsibility, sustainable development, and the continuous improvement of the performance of production and supply capacity worldwide.
The Code of Conduct principles apply directly to the entire TAB company, its subsidiaries, and consequently all employees. Moreover, the companies’ managements are expected to actively promote the application of the Code of Conduct principles within the entire supply chain.
Observance of our common Code of Conduct principles contributes to a positive climate between employees, business partners and other partners. We continue this tradition with our vision, sustainable growth, social responsibility, and by following common ethical principles. Such conduct enables us to fulfil our mission of sustainable development of the TAB Group.
All TAB Group employees are morally obliged and professionally liable to comply with the Code of Conduct principles and guidelines. The Code applies to all locations and units of the TAB Group.
All managers and directors are obliged to provide the content of the Code and ensure its enforcement in their organisations. The TAB Group requires suppliers, customers, subcontractors, and other business partners, to adopt and comply with these principles; furthermore, the companies’ managements are obliged to provide a system of obtaining proof of the above-indicated within one year of signing the Code.
All TAB Group members are obliged to follow and comply with the applicable legislation and regulations of the state in which they operate and carry out their activity. The Code of Conduct sets out the lowestlevel of approved conduct. In the case of stricter local laws, the latter shall prevail over the Code. The suppliers of the TAB Group companies are also expected to comply with the laws and regulations.
Corruption and Bribery:
Any form of corruption or bribery, active or passive, is prohibited.
Compulsory labour:
Compulsory labour requiring an individual to perform work without his/her voluntary decision, under the threat of punishment or sanction shall not be supported in any form. This also includes compulsory labour in prisons, forced labour, or any other form of compulsory labour.
Child labour:
The company may not employ or exploit children. An employee should not be younger than the age
determined for the completion of compulsory education, even if the local legislation sets out a higher
age limit.
Workers under the age of 18 are prohibited from carrying out hazardous work and night work; educational needs shall also be taken into account.
Wages, including overtime and benefits, shall be equal to or shall exceed the level set out by the applicable legislation and regulations.
Employees should not be physically, sexually, psychologically, or verbally harassed and/or abused. Harassment includes, inter alia:
Excessive workload
Spreading rumours
Withholding work-related information
Termination of responsibility in key areas
Insulting or negative comments on personality
Humiliation or work-related mockery
Disregard for an individual’s opinion or view
Working time:
The Company shall comply with national rules on working time. The employees shall not be required to work for more than 48 hours per week, or more than 56 hours per the total length of the working week (including overtime), except in exceptional commercial circumstances. Employees shall be accorded at least two days off per week, except in exceptional commercial circumstances.
In employment decisions, including hiring, promotion, compensation, benefits, training, dismissal and termination, all employees should be treated strictly according to their abilities and qualifications.
Safety and health:
All companies within the Group’s operation should provide a safe and healthy working environment with enforced disaster and injury prevention measures, and where appropriate, safe and healthy housing, at least in accordance with the applicable local legislation.
Right of association and collective bargaining:
Employers should respect the employees’ legal right to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
The companies shall comply with the environmental regulations and standards applicable to their activity, and respect environmental practices at all locations of their operation. Care for the natural environment is also recognised with the ISO 14001 certification.
Each worker is obliged to refrain from acting in a manner that is not legal or is contrary to the provisions of this Code of Conduct. Moreover, each worker who observes any such behaviour must immediately communicate it to his/her superior, or the legal department at: ales.horvatic@tab.si, or by regular mail to: TAB d.d., Pravna služba, Polena 6, 2392 Mežica. In communicating any suspected infringement, you may disclose your identity or remain anonymous. Communication in good faith will in no way affect your employment.
Please do not hesitate to contact your manager, the Works’ Council representative, or the Legal Department if you require any clarification or further information.
TAB director:
mag. Bogomir Auprih

MPI-Reciklaža director:
Viktor Fortin

MPI-Reciklaža director:
Viktor Fortin

Mežica, January 2021